Encoding & Server Space Services | Start the ordering process here!!
Select Services Encoding Only {Conversion}
Server Space Only
Encoding & Server Space
For Server Space Only
{Please select media, and enter either MB's required or total length in minutes}
Select Media{s}
Enter either:
Total Number of MB Required or
Total Length of Material
{Enter only if MB required unknown}
Real Windows QuickTime
MB Required
Total Length in Minutes
I certify that I have the legal rights to any video content that I submit
and will fax the form provided with my signature as the basis of same.
GenerateTV can not accept any work without first receiving such verification.

For Encoding Only or Encoding and Server Space Services
If you require more than one type of encoding simply check off the encoding rates
For Real multi rate encoding select the rates you require

Total Length of Material
Total Length in Minutes
Real{Select the rates you require}
28K Modem
56K Modem
Corporate LAN
256K DSL/Cable Modem
384K DSL/Cable Modem
512K DSL/Cable Modem
Windows Media{Select one}
28K Modems
56K Modems
100K Corporate LAN
512K DSL/Cable Modem

MultiRate Low {22K-42K}
MultiRate Med {28.8K-100K}
MultiRate High {150K-700K}

QuickTime{Select one}
Please select a screen size for your video:
For lower rates of encode it is better to select a smaller screen size.
For audio select audio only in the screen size dropdown box.
192 by 144 = 2 1/4" by 1 5/8"       240 by 180 = 2 3/4" by 2       320 by 240 = 3 3/4 by 2 3/4"
Conversion Format
{Select format you will send us if we are encoding}
Encoding Only, number of CD's
{This is the number of CD's that we would
mail back to you with the coverted material.
1st=22.50 | 2-10=15.00 | 11-20=15.00
21-49=15.00 | 50+=15.00} Postage billed separately.
Number of CD's
{Leave blank if not applicable}
Telephone Tech Support 24/7
{For encoding, uploading, and creating links}
$39.95 per hour
Monthly Storage Fee
{$19.95 Minimum}
One Time Encoding Fee
{$19.95 Minimum}
Tech Support Total {39.95 per hour}
Total Cost for First Month Dollars
Your allotted server space MB
Please enter information below and click on Submit
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
E-mail Address
Phone Number
URL of your Website
Credit Card Type
Card Number
Expiration Date
Full Name on Credit Card
Credit Card Billing Street
Credit Card Billing City
Credit Card Billing State
Credit Card Billing Zip/Postal Code
Add any other instructions below

By clicking on the submit button below you agree that all the information above is correct and that you have read and agree with our Service Agreement. You also give permission for GenerateTV to charge the server storage fee on a quarterly basis to your credit card until you cancel service via written cancellation sent by e-mail or fax.

Total amount charged to your credit card

This is a Secure Credit Card Transfer
Please be patient when submitting form as credit cards can
take as long as 1-3 minutes to process an approval.
Thank You

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