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Photography Demo Section

Thanks for visiting my photography demo samples below. I love photography and I hope you do too. My passion is to be outside capturing life in all its glory and excitement. Work hard and play hard! Live your passions!

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More David Bond Photography Images:

I enjoy photography. I first learned about it in high school with one of those teachers that just brings out the best in you by making the course the kind that challeged you while constantly building your curiousity. I received a strong foundation in traditional film techniques in the darkroom complete with chemicals and the trays for developing. Manipulation of light and developing techniques, combined with studio lighting, and outdoor photography at such an early stage in my career produced a solid foundation and the kind of spark of interest in photography that has never dimmed. With the transition to digital photography and my work with digital video imaging systems my interest and professionalism has exploded beyond any hobby. Below you will find links that showcase some samples of my work over the last ten years. Youi can also see how this has helped me cross over into the web development, and design industries.

My Gear - Sony Alpha 100a digital SLR, JVC GY HD100u HDV Camera, and several film cameras.

Digital Photography

Here is a link to my flash photography site under construction. Flash Photo Site! and Here is a link to more photography samples in flash. Click image below to play slideshow:

image of a hawk by dtb

Here are samples (under construction) of some of my panoramic photography work. Here is a sample of three photos merged together to form this massive battleship and five photos to form this wide perspective (different merge processing) of the studio I designed and built at eLocal. Click image to play slideshow.

panarama of battleship